UPDATE: Press release for 2017 March For Science Indianapolis STEM Classroom Grant below:
2017 March for Science Indianapolis STEM Grants Press Release
We are looking for new and exciting STEM curriculum designed by Indiana teachers that can be replicated in schools throughout the state on a budget!
If you would like to apply for the 2017 March For Science Indianapolis STEM Classroom Grant, please feel free to do so below!
- The grant levels are $250 or $500 per submission.
- Submissions must be aligned to Indiana Academic Standards.
- There are three main criteria that will be used to determine grant distribution:
- First Criteria: Priority will be given to schools within the Indianapolis Public School system.
- Second Criteria: Distribution will be based on schools with the greatest need.
- Third Criteria: Selection will be based on curriculum that is engaging and high impact.
- All curriculum will be made publicly available so other teachers can replicate the best programs.
- If your curriculum is selected you will be required to provide post-implementation documentation consisting of:
- Report of implementation, number of students impacted, student feedback, etc.
- Pictures or videos of your curriculum in action.
- Follow-up survey to be conducted at your convenience.
- Application deadline is 11:59 PM EST on November 25th 2017.
- Grant recipients will be announced November 26th 2017 at StarBase Indy.
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback please don’t hesitate to contact us at sciencemarchind@gmail.com